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Workin’ on my NIGHT CHEEEESE!

July 7, 2010

I haven’t really decided what this blog is yet. What’s it about? Where is it going? Will it cure my crippling loneliness?

Originally it was going to be about food. Then it was going to be about music. After that I decided that I’d create an awesome hybrid of the two and name it ‘muffo’. Muffo is all about tasty music and food with phat beets (typo, but it works). Finally I decided that it would just be about music, since food requires the effort of cooking and lifting shit to my mouth and music requires sitting on my arse, although it will more than likely also include eating.

Then there was the trouble of thinking up a name. Again, it was a question of effort, and the answer was: I didn’t want to put any in. So, rather than thinking up an apt but clever blog name, I merely stole a random and hilarious phrase from 30 Rock. I would say laziness and plagiarism are my hallmarks, but I think there’s like a ten-post minimum before you’re allowed to claim a hallmark. Who regulates these things? Is there a handbook?


I hereby launch my blogoplane into the blogosphere!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. anormalday permalink
    July 16, 2010 4:23 am

    Hey there. I have to commend the title of your blog, my friends and I have had “Night Cheese” evenings for the last couple of years… there’s nothing like a bottle of wine, several fancy cheeses and bunch of people singing “Working on the night cheese!” to each other.

    Good luck with the blog.

  2. July 16, 2010 9:24 am

    Thanks! I’m glad there’s other rabid 30 Rock fans out there. Nothing like working on some night cheese with a bunch of friends – there’s something about nocturnal cheese consumption that really brings people together. And wine only sweetens the deal!

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